Lion’s Feast 2022
Food Drive With Spring High School
SPRING, TX - Bridge The Gaps, a registered non-profit 501(3)(c) organization had the wonderful opportunity and honor to partner with Spring High School Athletics for our Annual First Lion’s Feast - providing 150 turkeys and sides to the underprivileged Spring community.
“We were very excited to partner with Spring Athletics on this huge initiative," mentions Omar Durham, Founder, and CEO of Bridge The Gaps. Bridge The Gaps was specifically responsible for providing the turkeys for the Thanksgiving food drive and the students worked together to provide canned and nonperishable goods for the side options.
Teen Involvement & Community
Durham continues, “This initiative really pulled our full community together! We had hands-on help and donations from our board members, local Spring business, and individual donations throughout the community. We can’t be more pleased with how this event turned out and how many families we were able to help this Thanksgiving. we know we couldn’t have done this without everyone’s help and involvement. Thank You to everyone that helped Bridge The Gaps. I can’t say Thank you enough.“
Bridge the Gaps Board onsite from left: Vincent Dawkins, Joni Wolfswinkel, Sharoye Taylor, Tony Gonzalez, and Christopher Frazer
“We also had a great turnout from the students! We had several football players and cheerleaders from Spring High School athletics ready and eager to help with passing out turkeys, despite the freezing cold start to the day! We also had some laughs, some fun, and lots of hugs from very thankful recipients. That’s what it’s all about.” Durham reflects.
In addition to programs such as the Annual Lion’s Feast, Bridge The Gaps also supports and provides additional support throughout the community and the year with continuous programs such as Families First and Healthy Kids.
“We plan to make this an annual initiative in partnership with Spring High School athletics and are looking forward to what we can accomplish next year!” Durham concludes.
Bridge The Gaps would like to thank everyone for their help and donations and wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving season!
For more information on Bridge The Gaps and how we can partner with your athletics department, please contact Omar Durham here.