Our Play 4 Purpose program helps empower students to utilize their interests and talents in sports to obtain an education. Play 4 Purpose provides resources, and educational tools, and helps with ancillary college expenses that are not covered for most underprivileged students.
Empowering Students
Mission: The Play 4 Purpose program helps empower students to utilize their interests and talents in sports to obtain higher education.
Obtaining a higher education is the number one priority, and our Play 4 Purpose programs helps student-athletes understand how to utilize their talents and interests in sports to obtain a college level education through a full or partial scholarship. Bridge The Gaps assists students with ancillary resources and opportunities that allow them to maximize these opportunities.
Athletic and academic opportunities range from private training, tutoring resources, testing fees, application fees, assistance with sporting equipment, tournament fees, travel expenses, recruitment resources, branding expertise, and in many cases helping students understand the scholarship landscape.
The scholarship market and availability has changed, let BTG help you make the most of it.
Help Us Do More
In today’s changing environment our youth are faced with so many emotional and physical challenges from bullying, social injustice concerns, to the fear of finding their next meal in the summer when schools are closed. Bridge The Gaps is involved with local school districts, creating and support new athletic programs, helping to successfully improve the pass-to-play rates and student body involvement with assistance from Play 4 Purpose. We can help expand the reach of your educational staff, athletic department, or special education department. Contact us to learn about speaking and partnership opportunities for all school levels.
We’re determined to help as many students as we can but we know we can’t do it alone. Help us reach another young student in need today by donating to our Play4Purpose program.