Bridge The Gaps introduces Real Talk 4Real Life: An outreach program about Real Talk and Real Consequences
Real Talk 4Real
Real Talk 4Real is an outreach program that discusses real-life scenarios and their consequences. Onsite workshops will deconstruct various viral social media posts depicting violence, domestic violence, and bullying and have discussions about the real-life consequences associated with those actions. Sessions will also listen to various songs that speak to acts of violence, drugs, and a street lifestyle, deconstruct those lyrics and attach real-life consequences to those actions.
Our mission is to seek, educate, and empower young men and women to become champions in their lives and their communities by avoiding the pitfalls of destructive thinking and negative choices.
A Need For New Learning
Our children and young adults are exposed to various negative and violent lifestyle choices through social media videos and song lyrics. It is no longer adequate to simply tell our children to stop watching real-life violence on social media or to stop listening to negative and violent lyrics in certain songs; especially when our children learn far more on social platforms than many do at home. We must meet our children and young adults where they are in their “social media learning stage” and offer education in the form of deconstructing what they see, and hear while attaching real life consequences to negative lifestyle actions and poor decision making.
The Strategy | Workshop
Omar “Coach D” Durham and Terrence “Coach Tee” Sampson will facilitate an onsite interactive two-part workshop at high-risk public schools that consists of a 90-minute deconstruction of a violent viral video and/or song lyrics followed by a one-hour impact statement from a victim of violent crimes.
The workshops will be recorded for various social media channels and posted to further educate the public at large. We seek increased awareness from our target market in relation to understanding the real consequences of violence on any level, whether domestic, assault, or homicide. The goal is for our children to view violent events from the perspective of the victim, victim’s family, and the community at large, causing a deterrent for them after realizing the far-reaching consequences of violent acts.
Your School Next?
For more information on how you can help bring the Real Talk 4Real Workshop to your school, please contact Bridge The Gaps via email here.
For information on how you can help support the Real Talk 4Real program, please contact us: